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– Nelson Mandela

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Module 5 In-Class Assignment 1

Module 5 In-Class Assignment 1

Q In your small groups I want you to create a Home BP monitoring guide-----this will include all education you need to provide clients to be able to accurately take their BP at home. This will be done in class---Upload your documents to the dropbox here. Additional Questions that your group will be assigned 1. What are some things that can make a person's HR increase? Decrease? 2. What are some things that can make a person's RR increase? Decrease? 3. What are some things that can make a person's BP increase? Decrease? 4. What are some things that can make a person's SaO2 (Pulse Ox) increase? Decrease? 5. What does afebrile mean? 6. What does tachypnea mean? Bradypnea? 7. What does tachycardia mean? Bradycardia? 8. Distinguish between systolic and diastolic BP. 9. What is Mean Arterial Pressure and why is it assessed? 10. If a client had a decrease in oxygen levels, what would the body do to compensate for that? 11. If a client had an increase in carbon dioxide levels, what would the body do to compensate for that? 12. Which route is most accurate measure of core body temperature? 13. What do you do if your patient is asleep when you go to assess their vital signs? 14. What does Valsalva maneuver do to HR and BP initially? 15. What are some nursing actions for a client who has a high fever? 16. What does orthostatic hypotension mean? What symptoms might the client experience? PreviousNext

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Home BP monitoring guide for Caregiver 1. Make sure the blood pressure cuff is the correct size (not too large or too small) 2. Make sure to sit up right with palm up. Relax arm at heart-level. 3. Place cuff on tight enough and palpate the brachial artery. 4. Take stethoscope and listen to brachial artery to confirm placement. 5. Place inflation bulb in dominant hand and turn valve until tightened all the way. 6. Inflate the cuff until you can’t hear the pulse anymore and inflate for 30 more.